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Aisera — AI Customer Support Tool

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What is Aisera?

Aisera is an AI-powered platform that automates IT and customer service operations for enterprises. It resolves support tickets, answers questions across company data sources, and provides IT professionals and customer service agents with real-time assistance to improve response times.

What sets Aisera apart?

Aisera sets itself apart with domain-specific language models, giving IT teams and support staff precise, context-aware help. The platform's TRAPS framework tackles potential AI risks, reassuring companies about data security and ethical use. Aisera changes how businesses handle daily operations through proactive notifications and customizable workflows.

Aisera Use Cases

  • AI-powered customer service
  • Automated IT support
  • Enterprise-wide AI search
  • Proactive virtual assistance

Who uses Aisera?

Features and Benefits

  • Feature icon AiseraGPT
    Automates tasks, action workflows, and knowledge across multiple domains using domain-specific large language models grounded in your data.
  • Feature icon AI Copilot
    Serves as a proactive virtual assistant with customizable prompts, skills, and workflows to anticipate user needs and boost productivity.
  • Feature icon Enterprise AI Search
    Provides personalized, accurate search results across multiple data repositories while maintaining security and privacy protocols.
  • Feature icon Agent Assist
    Enhances agent productivity by generating relevant answers, case summaries, and next-best-action recommendations using domain-specific language models.
  • Feature icon AI Voice Bot
    Automates call handling with intelligent voice assistants to resolve common customer questions on first contact, reducing wait times and operational costs.
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