What is Leiga?
Leiga is an AI-powered project management copilot that helps development teams write product requirement documents and track project progress. It converts natural language into structured PRD documents, shows sprint health scores with risk alerts, and lets developers update project status directly from their IDE, making it valuable for project managers, product owners, and engineering teams.
What sets Leiga apart?
Leiga sets itself apart with an AI-driven workload balancing system that helps engineering managers distribute coding assignments based on team capacity and skill levels. This intelligent approach to work allocation proves valuable for distributed development teams who need clear visibility into member bandwidth and progress tracking. The tool brings a fresh perspective to technical project planning by making cross-team collaboration feel natural and simple.
Leiga Use Cases
- AI-powered project planning
- Automated PRD writing
- Sprint risk assessment
- Workload balancing
- Cross-team collaboration
Who uses Leiga?
Features and Benefits
- Natural language AI assists with planning, tracking, and generating project reports through an intuitive chat interface.
AI Project Assistant
- Real-time visualization of sprint progress provides schedule risk assessment and early warning alerts to keep projects on track.
Sprint Monitoring
- AI-powered system transforms basic feature descriptions into structured Product Requirements Documents with a single click.
Automated PRD Writing
- Monitor and balance team member assignments and progress from a centralized dashboard to maintain optimal productivity.
Workload Management
- Access project updates and task management directly within development environments like VS Code and JetBrains.
IDE Integration
Free Trial10 users
30 days
20 automations
100,000/m OpenAPI calls
Basic customization
5 mins/video
20 AI credits/user/month
2G storage
20M attachment size
Unlimited users
150 automations
Unlimited OpenAPI calls
Advanced customization
10 mins/video
60 AI credits/user/month
90-Day recycle bin
100G storage
1G attachment size
Unlimited users
450 automations
Unlimited OpenAPI calls
Advanced customization
30 mins/video
180 AI credits/user/month
180-Day recycle bin
1T storage
1G attachment size
Dedicated support
Unlimited users
Unlimited automations
Unlimited OpenAPI calls
Advanced customization
Unlimited video recording
Unlimited AI credits
Unlimited recycle bin
Unlimited storage
Unlimited attachment size
Dedicated support