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Magical — AI Productivity Tool

Review star icon 4.8 / 5 (from 77 reviews)
Ranking star icon Rated #25 in AI Productivity Tools
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What is Magical?

Magical is an AI-powered Chrome extension that automates repetitive tasks like data entry and personalized messaging across over 30,000 applications, including internal company tools. Sales representatives can use Magical to instantly fill customer information into their CRM system and send customized outreach messages, eliminating hours of manual work.

What sets Magical apart?

Magical distinguishes itself by enabling no-code automation across any web-based application, including custom internal tools that traditional methods can't connect. The AI-driven system recommends automations based on user activity, allowing healthcare professionals to transfer patient data between different systems. Magical's ability to work with internal and custom apps helps medical staff update patient charts and move information between healthcare platforms.

Magical Use Cases

  • Automate repetitive tasks
  • Personalize outreach messages
  • Data entry automation
  • AI-powered writing assistance

Who uses Magical?

Features and Benefits

  • Feature icon Text expansion
    Create and use customizable message templates to quickly insert frequently used text across any website or application.
  • Feature icon Data transfer
    Automatically move information between different web pages or applications to reduce manual data entry.
  • Feature icon AI-assisted writing
    Generate text suggestions and replies based on context to help draft messages more efficiently.
  • Feature icon Form autofill
    Automatically populate form fields on websites using stored or scraped data to save time on repetitive tasks.
  • Feature icon Team collaboration
    Share templates and automations with team members to standardize messaging and improve productivity across an organization.

Magical Pros and Cons

  • Circle checkmark icon Saves significant time on repetitive tasks
  • Circle checkmark icon Easy to set up and integrate into daily workflow
  • Circle checkmark icon Automates form filling and data entry
  • Circle checkmark icon Improves productivity across various industries
  • Cross icon Limited browser compatibility
  • Cross icon May require learning curve for advanced features
  • Cross icon Potential privacy concerns with data handling
  • Cross icon Occasional technical glitches reported


Free $0/mo
  • Circle check icon 600 monthly text expansions
  • Circle check icon 20 monthly automations
  • Circle check icon Unlimited Template storage
Core Price not available
  • Circle check icon Everything in Free +
  • Circle check icon Unlimited text expansions
  • Circle check icon Email & Community Support
Teams Price not available
  • Circle check icon Everything in Core +
  • Circle check icon Custom reporting & onboarding
  • Circle check icon Custom automation usage
  • Circle check icon Enterprise governance
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