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Edthena — AI Teaching Tool

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What is Edthena?

Edthena is an AI-powered video coaching platform that helps K-12 teachers improve their classroom practices through self-reflection and personalized feedback. The platform allows educators to upload lesson videos, receive AI-guided analysis, and access research-backed strategies, including a dedicated Science of Reading pathway for literacy instruction.

What sets Edthena apart?

Edthena sets itself apart by enabling principals and instructional coaches to scale up teacher support without increasing staff. The platform's collaborative features let educators share best practices across schools, fostering a culture of continuous improvement. Research shows that schools using Edthena tools see higher teacher retention rates and noticeable gains in student achievement.

Edthena Use Cases

  • Video-based teacher coaching
  • AI-powered self-reflection
  • Personalized professional development
  • Collaborative lesson analysis

Who uses Edthena?

Features and Benefits

  • Feature icon AI-powered self-reflection
    Teachers analyze their teaching videos with AI-guided prompts to identify areas for improvement and set professional growth goals.
  • Feature icon Video coaching platform
    Educators upload and share teaching videos for peer feedback and collaborative professional development.
  • Feature icon Science of Reading pathway
    Teachers access research-based literacy instruction strategies and resources to improve reading proficiency in students.
  • Feature icon Customizable evaluation frameworks
    Schools integrate their professional standards into the platform for aligned teacher assessment and growth tracking.
  • Feature icon Secure video libraries
    Organizations create searchable collections of exemplar teaching videos to scale best practices across classrooms.
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