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Automaise — AI Personal Assistant

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What is Automaise?

Automaise is an AI platform that improves customer service operations through virtual assistants, agent support tools, and process automation. It helps customer service teams and operations managers reduce response times, increase productivity, and automate tasks like medical claim processing.

What sets Automaise apart?

Automaise distinguishes itself with AI-driven virtual assistants that can handle complex customer interactions across various channels. This capability proves particularly valuable for operations managers in customer service departments, allowing them to focus on strategic initiatives rather than day-to-day firefighting. By automating the routing of customer inquiries to the most appropriate team or agent, Automaise helps companies respond to customer needs more quickly.

Automaise Use Cases

  • Customer service automation
  • Agent productivity enhancement
  • AI-powered chatbots
  • Backoffice process optimization
  • Omnichannel support

Who uses Automaise?

Features and Benefits

  • Feature icon AI-Powered Virtual Assistants
    Automaise provides AI virtual assistants capable of handling customer support interactions across voice and text channels.
  • Feature icon Agent Augmentation
    The platform offers AI-based tools to enhance agent productivity and improve support team efficiency.
  • Feature icon Case Automation
    Automaise enables AI-driven automation of case creation, categorization, and prioritization within CRM systems.
  • Feature icon Backoffice Automation
    The solution allows for intelligent automation of complex back-office processes to streamline operations.
  • Feature icon No-Code AI Platform
    Automaise provides a drag-and-drop environment for designing AI-driven workflows without coding knowledge.


Custom Plan Price not available
  • Circle check icon Customized AI solutions for customer service
  • Circle check icon Virtual Assistants
  • Circle check icon Voice solutions
  • Circle check icon Agent Augmentation
  • Circle check icon Decision Support
  • Circle check icon Internal virtual assistant
  • Circle check icon Generative AI capabilities
  • Circle check icon Process automation
  • Circle check icon Integration with existing systems
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