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Vellum — AI Developer Tool

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What is Vellum?

Vellum is an AI development platform for building LLM applications, offering tools for prompt engineering, workflow creation, and evaluation. It allows developers and product teams to test, deploy, and improve AI features like chatbots and content generators without needing to redeploy code.

What sets Vellum apart?

Vellum sets itself apart with its side-by-side comparison feature, allowing AI developers and data scientists to test different prompt-model combinations. This capability helps teams quickly pinpoint the most effective configurations for their specific AI applications. By fostering collaboration between technical and non-technical team members, Vellum uniquely bridges the gap in AI development.

Vellum Use Cases

  • Collaborative prompt engineering
  • Multi-step AI workflows
  • LLM evaluation at scale
  • Production AI deployment

Who uses Vellum?

Features and Benefits

  • Feature icon Prompt Engineering
    Test and evaluate prompts with dynamic values in a shared playground for prompt and model testing.
  • Feature icon Workflow Builder
    Create multi-step AI workflows that chain business logic, data, APIs, and dynamic prompts for various use cases.
  • Feature icon Evaluation Framework
    Assess prompt and model performance using custom metrics and a bank of test cases to identify the best combinations.
  • Feature icon Deployment Management
    Deploy AI features with version control, monitoring, and the ability to update prompts without code changes.
  • Feature icon Document Retrieval
    Upload, filter, and search proprietary data to use as context in LLM calls for personalized AI experiences.


Growth Price not available
  • Circle check icon Prompt Engineering
  • Circle check icon Workflows
  • Circle check icon Document Retrieval & Semantic Search
  • Circle check icon Evaluations
  • Circle check icon Up to 2 Users
  • Circle check icon Up to 1m pages document limit
Pro Price not available
  • Circle check icon All Growth features
  • Circle check icon Priority Support with SLAs
  • Circle check icon Custom Model Integrations
  • Circle check icon Advanced RAG
  • Circle check icon Chatbot Frontend
  • Circle check icon Customized User Counts
  • Circle check icon Custom document limit
Enterprise Price not available
  • Circle check icon All Pro features
  • Circle check icon Role-Based Access Control
  • Circle check icon VPC Install
  • Circle check icon External Monitoring Integrations
  • Circle check icon Single Sign On
  • Circle check icon Configurable Data Retention Policies
  • Circle check icon Custom document limit
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