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Swiftspeed — AI App Builder

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What is Swiftspeed?

Swiftspeed is an AI-powered tool that allows small business owners and entrepreneurs to build mobile apps without coding knowledge. It provides a drag-and-drop interface, pre-made templates, and cross-platform compatibility for creating Android and iOS apps.

What sets Swiftspeed apart?

Swiftspeed sets itself apart by focusing on non-technical entrepreneurs who want to bring their app ideas to life. The tool's drag-and-drop interface and ready-made templates allow small business owners to craft mobile apps tailored to their specific industry needs. By enabling the creation of both Android and iOS apps from a single platform, Swiftspeed helps entrepreneurs reach a wider audience and grow their business.

Swiftspeed Use Cases

  • Create mobile apps without coding
  • Convert websites to apps
  • Build business apps
  • Develop ecommerce apps

Who uses Swiftspeed?

Features and Benefits

  • Feature icon No-Code App Development
    Create mobile apps for Android and iOS platforms without writing code using the drag-and-drop interface and pre-built templates.
  • Feature icon Web to App Conversion
    Transform websites into mobile apps by entering the URL and customizing the app's appearance to match your brand.
  • Feature icon Multi-Platform Publishing
    Generate app builds for both Google Play Store and Apple App Store, allowing for distribution across Android and iOS devices.
  • Feature icon Customizable Templates
    Access a variety of pre-designed app templates that can be personalized to fit different industries and use cases.
  • Feature icon Analytics Integration
    Monitor app performance with built-in analytics tools that provide insights into user behavior and app usage.

Swiftspeed Pros and Cons

  • Circle checkmark icon Creates apps without coding
  • Circle checkmark icon Offers a free trial or plan
  • Circle checkmark icon Available on multiple platforms
  • Circle checkmark icon Claimed product status on Product Hunt
  • Cross icon Lacks user reviews and ratings
  • Cross icon Limited information available about features
  • Cross icon Unclear pricing details
  • Cross icon No community engagement visible


Creator Price not available
  • Circle check icon Create Only 1 app
  • Circle check icon Basic Features
  • Circle check icon Basic Template Design
  • Circle check icon APK/AAB Access
  • Circle check icon Lifetime Updates
  • Circle check icon No Push Notification
  • Circle check icon No Support
  • Circle check icon Android Only
  • Circle check icon 100MB Storage
  • Circle check icon 100G Bandwidth Monthly
Business Plan $10/mo
  • Circle check icon All Features on Free Plan
  • Circle check icon Advanced Features
  • Circle check icon Advanced Template Design
  • Circle check icon Free Games Source Code
  • Circle check icon Push Notification
  • Circle check icon Standard Support (2 Business Days Replies)
  • Circle check icon Monetize your App with Admob, FB, and StartIO
  • Circle check icon 2 Apps on Yearly Subscription – 1 App on Monthly
  • Circle check icon APK/AAB Download
  • Circle check icon IPA and iOS Source Download
  • Circle check icon Android and iOS Publishing Available
  • Circle check icon Advanced Statistics
  • Circle check icon 2G Space
  • Circle check icon 1TB Bandwidth Monthly
White Label Plan $9.92/mo
  • Circle check icon Create up to 10 Apps/Subscription
  • Circle check icon All Features/Templates on Business Plan
  • Circle check icon Build your own App Maker platform
  • Circle check icon Unlimited Push Notifications
  • Circle check icon Advanced Statistics
  • Circle check icon Access to all features and upcoming updates
  • Circle check icon Create a Social Network App
  • Circle check icon Make Ride or Taxi Apps
  • Circle check icon Priority Support ( Under 30min)
  • Circle check icon App Web and PWA Version Available
  • Circle check icon IPA and iOS Source Download
  • Circle check icon Unlimited Space
  • Circle check icon Unlimited Bandwidth
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