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SongHunt — AI Search Engine

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What is MyPart?

MyPart is an AI-powered song search and analysis tool designed for music industry professionals and enthusiasts. It analyzes lyrics, themes, writing style, and musical attributes to help music executives find ideal songs for their projects and enable music fans to discover songs matching their preferences for personalized playlist creation.

What sets MyPart apart?

MyPart sets itself apart with its AI-driven song analysis that dives deep into lyrical themes and writing styles, going beyond just sonic elements. This approach proves valuable for record labels seeking the perfect track for their artists and music supervisors hunting for the ideal song for their latest film. By combining lyrical and musical analysis, MyPart offers a fresh perspective on understanding and connecting with music.

MyPart Use Cases

  • AI-powered song search
  • Playlist curation
  • Music licensing for media
  • Song analysis for professionals

Who uses SongHunt?

Features and Benefits

  • Feature icon AI Song Search
    Discover songs that match your mood, thoughts, or project needs using advanced AI-powered search capabilities.
  • Feature icon Personalized Recommendations
    Receive tailored song suggestions based on lyrical themes, narrative, and writing style, enhancing your music discovery experience.
  • Feature icon Extensive Music Catalog
    Access a vast library of over 200,000 songs from major catalogs to one-stops, providing diverse options for your creative projects.
  • Feature icon SongCrunch Analysis
    Gain comprehensive insights into a song's unique traits, including writing style, theme, mood, and musical elements.
  • Feature icon Playlist Creation
    Build custom playlists on Spotify using AI-powered search and filtering tools, tailored to your preferences.


Free $0/mo
  • Circle check icon Unlimited prompt search
  • Circle check icon Unlimited reference song search
  • Circle check icon Unlimited image & video search
  • Circle check icon Popular filters
  • Circle check icon 3 new song requests
  • Circle check icon Build public playlists on Spotify
Premium $5/mo
  • Circle check icon Unlimited prompt search
  • Circle check icon Unlimited reference song search
  • Circle check icon Unlimited image & video search
  • Circle check icon ALL filters
  • Circle check icon Build public playlists
  • Circle check icon Build private playlists linked to your personal account
Pro $9.99/mo
  • Circle check icon Unlimited prompt search
  • Circle check icon Unlimited reference song search
  • Circle check icon Unlimited image & video search
  • Circle check icon ALL filters
  • Circle check icon MyPart marketplace access to hundreds of thousands of songs
Enterprise Price not available
  • Circle check icon Unlimited prompt search
  • Circle check icon Unlimited reference song search
  • Circle check icon Unlimited image & video search
  • Circle check icon ALL filters
  • Circle check icon Professional Services
  • Circle check icon Account Manager
  • Circle check icon Unlimited MyPart marketplace access
AI Song Submission (SongSource) $10/mo
  • Circle check icon 3 monthly song submissions to top recording artists or for placement opportunities
  • Circle check icon Songs added to the SongSource catalog and pitched to A&Rs and music supervisors
  • Circle check icon Songs added to Songhunt for broader discovery
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