What is GPTZero?
GPTZero identifies AI-generated text in written content, offering analysis at the sentence, paragraph, and document levels. Teachers can use GPTZero to review student assignments, highlighting specific sections that may have been created by AI tools like ChatGPT or GPT-4.
What sets GPTZero apart?
GPTZero distinguishes itself with its education-focused AI detection system, which caters specifically to academic integrity concerns. The tool provides granular analysis, highlighting specific AI-generated sections within documents to help educators pinpoint potential issues. GPTZero goes beyond simple AI detection by offering additional features like writing reports and origin analysis, giving teachers a more complete picture of student work.
GPTZero Use Cases
- Detect AI-generated text
- Verify student work
- Improve writing authenticity
- Screen job applications
Who uses GPTZero?
Features and Benefits
- AI Text DetectionGPTZero scans documents to identify AI-generated content, providing sentence-level highlighting and overall classification.
- Writing ReportCreate detailed reports of Google Docs to demonstrate the authenticity of your writing process.
- Origin Chrome ExtensionScan web pages for AI content as you browse the internet, offering quick analysis of online text.
- API IntegrationIntegrate GPTZero's AI detection capabilities into your own tools and workflows through an accessible API.
- Plagiarism CheckingMatch text against a database of documents to identify potential instances of plagiarism.
GPTZero Pros and Cons
- Provides quick assessment of AI-generated content
- Offers sentence-by-sentence highlighting of potential AI text
- Easy to use interface
- Free version available
- High rate of false positives
- Accuracy issues with human-written content
- Can cause stress for students wrongly accused of using AI
- Limited reliability for academic or professional use
Basic Price not available
- Up to 10,000 words per month
- Premium AI detection models
- Batch file scanning 10 files
- Access to Origin Chrome Extension
Essential $10/mo
- Up to 150,000 words per month
- Everything in GPTZero Free
- Plagiarism scanning
- Advanced Grammar and Writing feedback
Premium $16/mo
- Up to 300,000 words per month
- Everything in GPTZero Essential
- Advanced AI Deep Scan
- Multilingual AI detection
- Download AI reports
Professional $23/mo
- Up to 500,000 words per month
- Up to 10,000,000 words in overage
- Everything in GPTZero Premium
- Military Grade Data Security
- Team Collaboration
GPTZero Alternatives
Safeguard authenticity in your writing
Protect your identity from voice-based scams